Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

We Don’t Need a Crib


I’m not a doctor, but I used to work at Babies R Us. I was doing rain check calls and I called up a customer to tell them their crib came in. A woman answered the phone and I said, “Hi, this is Benji from Babies R Us, is Dave there?” There was a pause and then she said, “No, but I’m his wife.” I said, “Oh, okay, I’m just calling to let you know the crib that you guys ordered is in.”

There was another pause. I could hear her breathing intensifying. She said, calmly but through gritted teeth, “Well, there’s a problem…” I wondered what it could be, and then she dropped a bombshell. “…because I’m not pregnant!!!” I sat back in my chair and just said, “Oh…” She then said that she’d call me back.

A few minutes later, the phone rang and it was her husband. He was clearly in a panic, out of breath, and stuttering. He said, “Uhhh, can, can, I cancel the… rain check from a few weeks ago?” I said, “Okay, I guess the person you spoke to never deleted it.”

He then hung up on me. The wife called back and asked when the rain check was placed. I gave her the date, and then she hung up. My co-worker and I sat there and looked at each other. I’ve always wondered what happened after that. Story credit: Reddit / Benjimyboy

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