Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

The Secret’s Out


This story comes from my sister who works at a hospital. The girl who was pregnant was problematic, to say the least. She was in her late teens and she ran away from the doctors to get high on god knows what during the early stages of her untimely delivery. Unsurprisingly, the kid had a plethora of problems and was immediately transferred to a neonatal unit.

Now for context, we live in an extremely white area, so babies of color are a rarity. Well, as it turns out, the baby was mixed. But, as you may know, newborn mixed babies often have ashy gray skin that darkens during the first hours. It can look quite ambiguous if you’re not used to it.

The “dad,” who was apparently not particularly alert (and probably high too), was obviously white. My sister and the others were just awkwardly doing their thing and waiting for him to realize what was going on.

After all, people don’t really “break” the baby’s race to the parents as they’re already supposed to know, right? So, they just said nothing and exchanged stares as they tended to the mom and the baby. Then, my sister’s colleague walked into the room—and things immediately went south.

The kid was her first patient of the day, and she wasn’t aware of a lot regarding the case. The first thing she saw was the baby. She got all excited and said, “Oh, look at that cute little black baby!” Then, she looked up and noticed the pale parents as the “father’s” expression went from absolutely dumbfounded to enrage. A shouting match ensued and the guy stormed out.

Though luckily (considering how messed up the whole family was), he didn’t mess anything up or had to get escorted out. He just wasn’t seen again during the baby’s stay at the unit. The little guy survived but had severe physical and mental sequels thanks to his mom’s self-neglect during her pregnancy. Story credit: Reddit / E_Chihuahuensis

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