Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

She Wasn’t Even Pregnant


I work in an emergency room. A lady came in with low abdominal pain. Her last menstrual period was reportedly three weeks prior. I ordered lab testing, including a pregnancy test, to try to find the cause. Thirty minutes later, the pregnancy test turned up positive. I went in to ask her if she was sure about her last period because her pregnancy test was positive.

Her husband was in the room, and his reaction was bone-chilling. He stood up, kicked a hole in the wall, and started yelling and swearing. He even tried to walk out of the room. She began bawling, then she jumped off the bed and blocked the doorway, screaming, “No…Please forgive me. I’m so sorry.”

It turns out he had a vasectomy. But the craziest part? The lab called 10 minutes later and asked for a repeat urine sample because they mixed up the reports on several samples. She wasn’t even pregnant. Story credit: Reddit / PickleboatParsons

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