Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

Happy Ending


A friend’s cousin had a paternity problem. Both she and her husband are white, but when she gave birth to their baby, the baby was black. Of course, her husband accused her of cheating on him, but she swore she didn’t and she asked for a DNA test. Surprisingly, the DNA test revealed a mind-boggling twist—he was, in fact, the father of the baby.

So, what the heck happened with that biology? As it turns out, the husband’s mother had cheated on her husband with a black man and was “lucky” enough that her baby had come out white and looked exactly like her.

So, it was good for the husband, but not too much. His mother actually got lucky twice, because her husband passed a few years prior and probably never knew about this. We all love a happy ending. Story credit: Reddit

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