Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

Emotional Support


My mom was pregnant before she met my dad, but only for a month before. She had decided to give the child to a couple who were close family friends who couldn’t have kids. She was afraid to tell my dad, but he handled it pretty well since she wasn’t asking him to be a father. She just wanted him to be emotional support.

He already knew that he found the woman he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. However, back in those days in my country, it was still looked down upon to have a child out of wedlock, so my dad made a brave decision to protect my mom—he told everyone the baby was his and that they were planning on getting married.

He saved face for my mom and stopped rude people from sharing their unwanted opinions about the situation.

Now, my parents are both white, but the biological father was of Pacific Islander descent. My mom didn’t see that as relevant to tell the midwife or anyone else, except my dad. It all went well until the birth. My mom gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, while dad waited outside the whole time. Straight after birth, my mom was exhausted and went straight to sleep.

However, the nurses saw that the baby was clearly not white, and they went to tell my dad that the baby had been born but he might be in for a little bit of a shock.

Apparently, they looked so sorry for my dad, thinking this poor sucker had been cheated on and lied to. When they told him that ‘his’ little girl was probably not his, he burst out laughing and just said, “I know.”

The poor nurses got such a shock. They couldn’t make sense of the situation, so they just walked away while my dad sat there giggling to himself. He’s a strange guy, my dad, but a great one.

After telling me that story, he said he always knew my mom was his soul mate, and going through that helped him realize that my mom was the one for him. When my mom told me that story, she said exactly the same thing. 33 years later, and they’re still going strong. Story credit: Reddit / Mistressmadd

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