Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

A Risky Procedure


My sister used to volunteer as a nurse in third-world countries. She built orphanages and helped with treatments. In one particular hospital, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, she was stationed in the gynecologist department. On her first day, a woman came into the department while in labor with a condition called placenta praevia.

Essentially, her placenta was in front of the exit for the baby, which was the cause for the mother losing a lot of blood and being on the brink of passing. Because my sister was white and she was wearing a white coat, the doctors there thought she was more equipped to do the Cesarean surgery, even though she was just a nurse in training.

Nevertheless, they shoved the instruments in her hands and made her do it. My sister continued to do it because the doctors were afraid to do it themselves.

Apparently, at that hospital, if you come in and need a C-section, they cut out the baby but the mom never survives. Anyway, she did the surgery from what she had learned from the individual study. She began the risky procedure and they all held their breaths.

Together with the doctors, they managed to save both the baby boy and the mother. After a harrowing surgery with blood everywhere, the baby had to go into an improvised incubator. Before they could do that, the dad went crazy on my sister. Why you may ask? Well, because all babies come out a little whiter than their own skin color, the dad was shaken to his core.

People restrained him, the baby was safely incubated, and my sister continued to calm the father and explain how it worked. Needless to say, she was very scared when a huge muscular man went crazy and tried to hit her with a bedpan. Luckily, everything turned out alright in the end. Story credit: Reddit / Doctor_Philly

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