Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

He’s MIA


My previous neighbor was a nurse and she delivered a baby where a buddy of mine was involved. He came in with his girlfriend who was in labor. My buddy was clearly not keen on having a kid, but the mother didn’t want to get rid of it and she was madly in love with him to a point that it was an obsession.

So, his girlfriend decided to keep the baby in order to keep him around. The girlfriend was extremely paranoid and delusional; so much so that she made my buddy’s life messy for 18 months. He was at the point where I genuinely thought he might just run away or slip into depression due to this woman.

She insisted it was his and she expected him to marry her. What she told one of our mutual friends was shocking: “If he won’t love me, I’ll just take him for all his money for the next 18 years.”

My neighbor said he looked absolutely horrible while the baby was being delivered in the room. The baby came out, and my buddy and the girl who are both of English/Irish heritage saw a Pacific Islander baby. As it turns out, the girlfriend was sleeping with one of the local rugby players on the low and he knocked her up.

My neighbor said she has never seen someone who looked so emotionally and mentally broken do such a 180 flip in less than a minute. My neighbor looked back at him as he walked out of the room laughing maniacally with joy. He said, “That baby is not mine, thank God! I’m free!” She said he was spotted dancing down the hallway to the exit.

My buddy is doing okay now. He’s got a nice, smoking hot girlfriend who he has been with for three years. They are looking at buying a house together and getting married soon. His ex is now living with her parents in a small granny shack with the kid.

The Pacific Islander baby daddy went MIA and the last I heard, he is suspected to be hiding out on some island in his native Fiji. I can’t blame the guy for leaving and I personally hope he is never found. Story credit: Reddit / Matt84z

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