Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

I Am Pretty Sure She Cheated


I’m currently a medical student. I had a mother who had an A- blood type, and the father had an A- blood type as well. But somehow, the baby ended up having an A+ blood type.

The mother was asking if it was possible for this to happen, and the doctor’s response was rather surprising—he kind of implied that it was possible, but they suggested retesting the husband’s blood group and following up with their general practitioner.

The doctor told me after that they didn’t want to get involved. They thought they would leave it up to the GP to deal with, and they just hoped the husband was actually positive.

Apparently, it got awkward the next day since they had to stay for a couple of days due to complications. The husband kept asking about blood grouping and it was just strongly suggested that he get retested.

I never found out what happened after, but from my impression of the mother and some of the things she said, I am pretty sure she cheated. Story credit: Reddit / AussieAssassino

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