Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

My Last Deployment


When I was in the Navy, I had an on-again-off-again relationship with a girl back home. On my last deployment, my girlfriend told me via email that she was knocked up. I accepted it, emailed my parents, told the army, and went through all that jazz.

I ended up getting discharged, so I went back home and took care of my pregnant girlfriend. She had the baby and I thought I was the father for five months. After that, she went on vacation with a “girlfriend.”

While she was gone, I got an email that changed everything—it was from her boyfriend, who told me that they had been together for the last four months and also for the week in Myrtle Beach when I was bankrolling. After that, I got a paternity test and found out the child wasn’t mine. I told her I was done and wanted no contact.

The horrible part is that my parents still babysit and treat the kid like their grandkids, so she’s at a lot of family functions and such. Also, the guy she was with wasn’t even the father. Story credit: Reddit / initialCRX

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