Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

I Can Explain!


I’m a paramedic and our crew delivered a full birth in the back of our rig. We had two paramedics in the back with the patient, plus the driver in the front and myself, working on the laptop and typing the info they are telling me to add to the report. All of a sudden, everything went quiet. I heard the mother let out a very loud, “Oh no. This isn’t what I wanted.”

There were a few more seconds of silence and I was extremely confused. The driver alarm, which is a beeping light on the center console sent from a button in the back, was pressed two times quickly, which meant they wanted me to turn around and get info for the report. I turned from the front passenger seat to see a very dark skin baby.

I couldn’t see the mother’s face, but she was shaking her head. She began to worry, saying, “My husband is meeting us there at the hospital! He can’t see this!!!” I just continued the report. At this point, I was still not sure what the problem was, but I figured I’d find out when we get there. Flash forward to the ER—we stopped outside the ambulance bay.

I got out to open the doors and I was met by another very white, heavy-set guy in a uniform shirt, dress pants, and glasses. He asked me if his wife was there and told me she was in labor when he was coming home. Hospital policy dictates that we can’t have unidentified persons close to the rig when opening doors for patient safety.

Security got to us really quickly and held him back for a bit. We opened the doors and rolled the patient and her newborn out. He took one look at the baby and his jaw dropped. He immediately donned a look of despair, and then he just looked off into the distance. Even security had a look like, “Wow, that woman messed up, and this guy knows it now.”

The wife yelled out, “BABE, I can explain every bit of this!!! I know it looks weird, but I can!!!!” We wheeled her into the ER. There was absolutely no sign of the husband. Last I knew, the husband didn’t check into the hospital as a visitor. I’m assuming he went home to pack his stuff. Story credit: Reddit / GoldenGayBoi

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