Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

Zero Interest in Fatherhood


I have a white friend who is a Superman of a dad. When his third child was born, she was obviously of mixed race. His white wife had an affair with a black man. The wife also had substance issues before this pregnancy, and she was no longer dependable or stable as a mother, so my friend immediately divorced her…but he also took it a step further. 

He got custody of the kids. He took ALL of them. He’s been raising his two biological kids and the third child who isn’t technically his for the past decade.

She’s his princess and he loves her exactly like the other two. So, you have to understand that my friend went through the entire pregnancy preparing for this baby that he thought was his. So, he bought the baby gear, painted a nursery, and went to the doctor’s appointments.

He was heavily invested in this baby before she was ever born. He already loved her and he felt she was his, so it wasn’t a big leap for him to take her on as his own. He has not remarried. He’s done this all on his own. He’s also dated here and there, but nothing serious has come of it yet. He’s too busy with three kids, his full-time career, and his small business.

Also, the biological dad of the third child waived his rights immediately when he found out about her birth. He was the mom’s dealer and their fling was a one-time thing that resulted in pregnancy. He had zero interest in fatherhood. Story credit: Reddit / Trixie1229

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