Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

Surprise Nephew


My brother had a surprise baby. He and a coworker had a one-night stand while she was broken up with her ex, but she later ended up getting back together with her ex. Flash forward to the delivery day—my brother sent me a picture of a random baby out of the blue and said, “I think I am a dad.” My family was completely shocked.

But here’s the juicy part—she is white, her boyfriend is black, and my brother is white. The baby came out looking very, very, white. I don’t know how it went down in the hospital room…but I know they separated very soon after.

My brother went to visit her in the hospital and asked her if she would let him take a paternity test. She agreed and it came back positive a week later. And that’s how I got my surprise nephew. Story credit: Reddit / TOMORROWS-FORECAST

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