Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

She Never Mentioned It


I once had a patient who came into the ER for a UTI. She had been with her boyfriend for four months and she was acting extremely dramatic for just having UTI. We told her we needed to test her urine.

She urged us to catheter her, which was really unusual, but she told us she couldn’t pee. So, the other nurse and I agreed and we put in a catheter with her lying on the gurney.

That’s when the nurse let out a bloodcurdling scream. “Call L&D! She’s crowning!” An L&D nurse came just in time to grab the child as it shot out into her hands. It was a living, breathing baby. The girl swore she had no idea she was pregnant. They wheeled her off to a postpartum recovery room, and her boyfriend was just kind of left standing there, dumbstruck.

“We have only been dating for four months. I had no idea she was pregnant. She never mentioned it at all.” He just ended up burying his head in his knees while he was sitting on the floor against the hallway wall. I felt so bad for the guy. Story credit: Reddit / TorrenceMightingale

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