Hannibal’s Backpack

I worked in a baggage room where bags sat idle until they were run to the plane or another transfer point. We typically didn’t open bags unless they were leaking, vibrating or void of any information and we needed to reroute them, hoping for some form of ID inside the bag. (It’s vital you properly tag your baggage as the airline’s tags are only held together by an adhesive strip that will detach should it get drenched, and trust me, they can get drenched.)
Anywho, we had one guy come in from Paris with only a backpack. When it got to our bag room, a large red pool of something was seeping out of the bag. Obviously, our first thought is blood, so we put on some gloves and slowly open it up.
There were canisters of extract and syrup. Blueberry, blackberry, raspberry and strawberry — the strawberry had been badly damaged and was now leaking out of the bag and all over everything else. Dude also had a ton of whipped cream.
Like, way more than anyone should ever have stuffed in this little backpack. He legit could have gotten these things from anywhere in the US but opted to jam them in a backpack and ship them across the world where one broke and definitely looked like a horror scene. We all knew better, but we were definitely waiting for there to be a head in there…
There’s also the time that for whatever reason a 5 gallon bucket of something squishy was left on the ramp. The gate called us to come get it. It was actually bleeding and smelled like BBQ. There was a picture of a pig on the side of the bucket and everything was in Spanish. We got a friend to translate it and I forget what it was for, but the contents were pretty gross.