My Other Girlfriend

Flying out from spending time with my girlfriend in another state. I’m anxious and especially nervous while going through security, topped with being sad that I won’t be seeing my girlfriend for another long period of time, I’m feeling a little weepy.
My bag rolls through the scanner and I see the woman’s face get all concerned and she calls over another agent to look at the screen. I’m thinking like, “Oh good, what now?”
She asks me, “Do you have a milkshake mixer in your luggage?”
I’m just taking it all in for a minute before it dawns on me. I have no idea what a milkshake mixer looks like, but I know I don’t have one. My Hitachi magic wand is in there.
At this point, I’m feeling overwhelmed by everything and now I’m pretty embarrassed and there’s more attention on me than I care for.
So, I promptly burst into tears, sobbing, “It’s a personal product!”