Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe



I think my boyfriend has been secretly drugging me for a while now and is gaslighting me. I know this is going to be hard to explain, but I have been having gaps in memory that I have been explaining away as being tired, or overworked, or whatever else.

I was going to ask my boyfriend about it, since he is a doctor, but then I started to notice one chilling thing. This seems to happen when I go on dates with him. I know it must be crazy, but I have woken up with dried…stuff…on my breasts several times with no memory of the night before.

I know it’s him, too. The first time it happened was when we were drinking and I wrote it off as too much to drink. But then there were a few times when I KNOW we were not drinking.

I decided to break up with him over it…only to suddenly find myself on a date with him a few days later. I had not yet had the conversation to break up with him, but planned on it next time I talked with him. I remember being at the restaurant, but nothing before that.

My car and his car was in the parking lot too so I was confused. I decided to play along when he asked me to come back to his place. After three days at his place I remembered everything so I was starting to trust him again.

I was going to ask him about my memory issues when he randomly pointed to these red bumps on my thigh and said I should be treating those sores. I had completely forgotten they were there. These little red bumps that look like needle injections that got infected.

I got so freaked out he mentioned them that I decided to leave. The next day he came over to “Check on me” and I remember waking up in bed with no memories. Then today he met me for lunch saying we had agreed to meet. I never agreed to meet with him and would never want to now.

He does this all the time, saying we agreed to do something I have no memory of. I am sick and tired of it and want him punished. This has started to affect my work life as well as I start to get paranoid when I see a boss walk into a room after making eye contact with me.

I get paranoid that they are about to fire me. My friends also state I have been acting strangely and out of character. I have even begun to lose sleep and sleepwalk when I do. Is there a way to have blood work done to see what kind of drug he is using on me?


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