Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

I Didn’t Want to Start Anything


My boyfriend’s parents just lost their house. I told my mom what he had told me and she didn’t think the story lined up, so she went all Sherlock Holmes and started looking up his parent’s names in our county’s public records. She got more than she bargained for when she found a locked file with a chilling label. 

It said “ADOPTION” and had my boyfriend and one of his brother’s names listed on it. None of his other three siblings were on there—they are all way younger. He’s never mentioned being adopted though, and is well past the age where you would tell a kid something like that—he’s in his mid-20s.

His family has already had a really bad few months and I don’t want to cause any more drama by asking about it. He has the same last name as his “dad.” He was in the military and claims his “dad” is on his original birth certificate so, I’m really confused.

I don’t think his parents were married yet when he and his brother were born because his dad was still in the military and away from home a lot. The papers weren’t even filed until he was almost 10 years old.

But a biological father wouldn’t have to adopt his own kids, even if they weren’t married yet, right? I regret knowing because now I’m insanely curious and I can’t say anything because this has that feel of “your darkest family secret” to it and I don’t want to start anything.


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