Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Black Widow


A family member of mine has stolen money from various charities. She was a hellion teen; just out of control. Super popular, but spoiled by her mother. Her parents were divorced and anytime her father tried to discipline her, her mom threatened to ruin him with lies if he did.

She stopped multiple pregnancies in her teens (so she wouldn’t “embarrass” her mother) while being the head cheerleader. She has never had an honest day of work in 50 years.

Her first marriage (which included a wedding worth tens of thousands in the ’80s) ended after a couple of years when she refused to work and help her husband pay for the bills she racked up from shopping. Her second marriage ended with the passing of her husband.

During his illness, she ran several charity events to raise money for research, and the money disappeared before it reached the charities. She married again very quickly after her second husband’s demise. Then it went from bad to sketchy. 

This guy was a super health nut but he mysteriously suddenly developed an unknown illness that caused his kidneys and heart to fail. Again with the fundraisers. As soon as the new hubby got better, he ran for the hills. We are 90% sure he figured out she was feeding him poison.


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