Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Complete and Utter Nonsense


A friend of mine is a magistrate, and a guy appeared before the magistrates after attacking an officer. They first watched a video of the event with the guy shouting all sorts of things at the officers. When the court asked him to answer for what he did, he…started to pretend to speak another language.

His solicitor just said, “Please forgive my client, he does speak English, however he is an idiot.”

After this blatant lie of trying to speak a foreign language that was actually complete and utter nonsense, he then started to pretend that he was deaf and dumb, and started to mimic what he thought was sign language, pointing at his mouth and shaking his head.

His solicitor again: “Please forgive my client, he is not deaf and dumb, he is just stupid.” My friend then said to the defendant, “Please take a seat.” He responds “Yeah, no problem, luv.”


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