Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

It Gets Worse


I’m 18 years old at a Steak n’ Shake with two of my good friends. One of our friends was notably depressed and he wanted to break some news. We ordered and as he was about to break the news, the table next to us was being rowdy and disrespectful.

I confronted them, but was met with a lot of, “Shut up, fatty,” and other profanities. Thinking of myself as an “18-year-old Alpha,” I began arguing back making the situation worse. The manager was sent out and we got yelled at like a bunch of kindergartners.

We ended up getting kicked out of the restaurant, but wait it gets worse. I was an edgy smoker so I told them jokingly, “Hey guys, I’m going to go get some cancer I’ll be back.”

My depressed friend then broke down sobbing revealing to us his dad just got diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I haven’t had a smoke in 6 years.


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