Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Not My Secret to Tell


A while ago, my mom told me that my stepfather was not my stepsister’s biological father. My stepsister has no idea. But wait, it gets worse. My stepfather knows he isn’t the biological father. He found out when my stepsister had some blood work done as a baby.

She’s O-negative, and that isn’t possible based on his blood type. He confronted his now ex-wife about it and she said it didn’t matter. She said my stepsister was the result of an affair that was a one-time thing and that my stepfather raised her as his own, so none of that shouldn’t change.

Also, I will NEVER tell her. It’s not my secret to tell. Besides, my stepfather IS also her father, as far as I’m concerned. She’s smart, kind, and a hard worker in large part due to him raising her, so I don’t care if they don’t share the same blood. He’s an amazing man and I consider him “one of my dads” too.


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