Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Blood is Thicker Than Water


I work for a small but really old firm in Texas, and I work with a few attorneys who handle estate planning and wills. This man was a doctor. He passed on. He was worth about $2,000,000. He wasn’t very wealthy, and we also handled a lot of bigger cases. However, he had five kids and an ex-wife.

When he divorced years before, he came out as gay and moved in with his partner. After he passed, his will stated that his house and money would go to this partner. His kids tried to argue it, and we ended up going through mediation.

As kind of a whackadoodle move, his partner actually requested a paternity test on the father’s frozen specimen to see if the kids really had any claim at all to the estate. Well…

It took a lot of pull to do it, but in the end…It turns out all five kids were not actually related to the now-deceased father. The partner got to keep the entire estate.


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