Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Violating the Bro-Code


Two of my friends had a falling out. I was dying to know what was going on between them because they lived together and I felt like I was watching mommy and daddy get divorced. One friend was never around and the other told me he honestly didn’t know what going on.

After a couple months, I finally got some one-on-one time with the friend who wasn’t around and he explained everything to me in detail. Basically, he asked if he could date the other friend’s cousin and his response was an emphatic NO.

But, since the other friend had dated his cousin without asking, he violated bro-code and started seeing her anyway. In dating this girl, he came to find out that she and the other friend were more than just cousins. They had carried on a physical relationship for years.

Basically, they were like bunnies whenever the family wasn’t looking. But hold on! It gets worse. He was told this went on for 10 years. The girl was 22. Her cousin was 24. They had been sleeping together since middle school. But hold on tighter because it gets worse. 

The girl’s father and her cousin’s father are identical twins. Let that sink in for a second. Genetically, they are half-siblings. At that point in the story, I downed my drink and apologized for even asking about what was going on. I wish I never knew.

As a follow-up, they no longer live together or speak to each other. I’m still really close with the other friend. I see the creepy friend in passing and we’re still friends, but it’s hard to look him in the eye.


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