Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Eskimo Brothers


Met a dude at my local 24-Hour Fitness who was wearing a Shark Punch shirt. Since most people have no freaking clue about that band, I immediately decided I needed to talk to bro-out with this dude about his particular taste in music (metal).

We get to talking, find out he’s a drummer, lives locally and wants to start jamming some evil stuff. Awesome! Exchange numbers and all that good stuff. Of course, however, actually meeting up with reliable musicians is much harder than it sounds, despite the enthusiasm.

Around the same time, I was working security at a local bar, and met this random cute girl who wasn’t from the area but was totally into me and wanted to hang out.

Exchanged numbers and planned to meet up. When we finally did, we hit it off pretty well, but she had mentioned that she’s still kinda “dating around” but really liked me and hoped that I was okay with that. Totally was okay with that because I was also doing the same thing.

We hung out maybe another time but then shortly after was hit with the “sorry but I’m kinda dating this other guy for serious” line, and I said I understood and moved on. When gym guy and I finally managed to get together to jam, a friend of his was there to play bass with us.

We get introduced, started talking about random stuff, then gym guy happened to mention to the buddy about the girl he was dating. He and I both started sharing our similarities in preference of people we date and I asked to see what she looked like.

He’s like, “sorry dude, she doesn’t have any social media or anything like that, but I have a video of her at some restaurant we went to a few weeks back.” So he shows me the video. Me: Ah, she’s cute! Him: Yeah, I met her hanging outside of some bar in LA.

Me: Dude she totally reminds me of this girl I was dating not too long ago. What’s her name? Him: Kim. Me: Wait, really? That’s so weird, I was dating a girl named Kim too. What are the odds? Hold up, she has a snapchat right? Him: Yeah…why?

Me: (I start trying to find her on snap) Dude, what’s her name on there? The friend at this time is looking at the both of us like ” oh no, oh no, oh no,” and starts laughing.

Both of us at the same time: “Kimber-Sleaze.” Friend is dying of laughter at this point, and we both come to the realization that we are the same dudes she ended up leaving/staying with. We still ended up jamming anyways.


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