Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Lie by Omission


My ex-boss is a covert narcissist who loves to lie by omission. One thing he does often is dodge taxes—he deposits payments from roofing jobs directly into his personal bank account and refuses to report anything, so on paper, it looks as if the jobs were never ordered in the first place.

He also deletes the invoices, even though the invoice numbers are sequential. Honestly, he would get exposed in a jiffy under an audit. But the worst thing he’s ever done doesn’t even compare to those lies. He once dated an underage girl when he was in his late 20s and lied to her about his age for years.

He also lied to his fiancee (who he now has a kid with) about how everything to do with his lifestyle. I can destroy his business with a couple of phone calls: one to the union, one to his insurance, one to the tax people, and one to his competitors about his lack of safety procedures at his operation.

I can destroy his personal life too by exposing his secrets to his partner and son. They don’t deserve the nonsense he brings into their lives.


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