Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

He’s Not Hurting Anyone


One day, I was looking on my friend’s computer for some old Call of Duty videos that he and I made in like 2009. I was just searching the old Gamertags, trying to figure out where they were when a page popped on his computer. It was for one of those creepy websites. I was really surprised.

It had all his basic information on it, with an up-to-date age and everything. I looked around the page and found a picture from his room that I recognized. I know I shouldn’t have, but I opened the page. What I saw totally shocked me. Turns out, my buddy is a furry—like a massive, full-on furry—and I had no idea.

The page had almost eight years of daily uploads and interactions on it. I haven’t told anyone. I’m not going to be the guy that threatens him or tells our other friends because he’s not hurting anyone.

But I’m also not going to tell him that I know, because that would be mad awkward. I’m terrified I’m going to let it slip one day during a drinking binge. Yikes!


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