Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

A Symbol to Her Youth


My mom is the most strait-laced, uptight person you can imagine. She works very high-level financial jobs for the government, so her personality may have something to do with that. If you looked up “professional woman” in the dictionary, it would probably just be a picture of her. 

But there’s something no one else knows about her and it’s totally mind-boggling. She has a tattoo on the back of her leg of a bear with male “appendages” instead of legs. She wears tights or pants to cover it all the time, and as far as I know, I’m the only person who knows about it.

She was a very wild teenager back in the day and on one fateful night, she met up with an “aspiring tattoo artist” in a hotel room. That’s where she got the tattoo done. The guy got a little too creative during the session and she ended up with that odd interpretation of a bear.

It is so vulgar that if anyone saw it, I think there’s a good chance she’d lose her job (or at least have some serious explaining to do). I once asked her why she doesn’t get it removed and she says it’s the “symbol to her stupid youth.”


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