Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Private Pleasures


This girl I know had a husband who was deployed overseas. For Valentine’s Day, she put together a special box of goodies and sent it to him. Along with the usual stuff, she sent one of her thongs as a sexy teaser since they hadn’t been together for a long time.

The husband decided to tie the thong onto the stuffed animal she gave him. The next day, the guy noticed something weird. The thong, which was tied really well onto the stuffed animal, was missing.

A couple of days went by and came across the thong in the most unexpected place—it was in his buddy’s bed, next to his.

It turned out, his buddy was using it for his own “private pleasure”…if you know what I mean. Here’s the real kicker: The guy is his best friend. Their wives are best friends. If they ever found out…


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