Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

As If That’s Something to Be Proud Of


I know one guy who did something really bad a week before he got married. It was his bachelor party and I think maybe his girlfriend was out of town at that time. I knew the whole group, but I wasn’t part of the bachelor party.

They came into the bar I worked at and half of them were so messed up they couldn’t even walk. At some point in the night, the groom picked up a woman who we all called Nasty Amanda. I heard him say to his buddies, “I’m going to go do her in my bed,” as if it was something to be proud of.

In the 20 years that I’ve known him, he’s always been an entitled dirtbag. There’s been a few times when I’ve thought of telling his wife. I’m not the only one that knows.

Most of the bachelor party went back to his house after they left the bar. There are witnesses too.


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