Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Plot Twist!


I met a girl on Plenty of Fish and dated her for a year. She lived six minutes up the street from me, so we saw each other quite often. Both of us were quite introverted, so we mainly only hung out with each other. We both considered the relationship to be serious and exclusive.

Anyway, right from the start of the relationship, I noticed that she would text this one guy pretty frequently. I asked her about him, and she told me that he was her tattoo artist. Just to be snoopy, I checked out the website of the place she gets her tattoos done.

Sure enough, there was a tattoo artist there with the same first name as the guy in her phone, but the last name was different. I asked her about it, and she quickly called me out on being paranoid, and how it was ridiculous to think that she would lie to me.

I agreed, it was pretty paranoid of me. Maybe five months later into the relationship, I’m on Facebook and I decide to search the name of the guy in her phone. A profile comes up in the same small city we both live in, but there is no profile picture or anything.

I decide to bring it up with her again, because now there are two Facebook profiles: one who is actually a tattoo artist, and one who has the same name that is in her phone. She freaks out on me for bringing it up again, and tells me that I’m crazy. I agreed, but just wanted a straight answer.

She told me that I had nothing to be worried about. I apologized, and we got over it. About a year into the relationship, I found her on Plenty of Fish. I would periodically go on there to see if she recreated her profile, as we both deleted our profiles.

I found a profile that I thought might be hers, but obviously no pictures. I catfished it, and it turned out to be her. She was back on Plenty of Fish and looking for guys.

I had all the evidence I needed, and I was going to confront her with it the next day and break up with her…however, I knew I needed to do just one more thing.

I thought that if I was going to break up with her, I was going to message this Facebook profile I had found that matched the name in her phone, just out of curiosity…PLOT TWIST. I message the guy. He gets back to me immediately.

We converse, and it turns out that he is her boyfriend. I had been her second boyfriend the entire time. She met him two months before she met me. She bounced back between me and him for an entire year, neither me nor him knew about each other.

He saw my name in her phone once, and she said that I was her tattoo artist. Every time I ever called her out, I was right. Every time she was gone mysteriously at night, she was with him.

Every time she said she was hanging out with a friend of hers, she was with him. She doesn’t actually have any friends. It was always him. Anyway, we both broke up with her the next morning and met the next day to have a beer. Haven’t spoken with him since.


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