Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

The Winner Takes it All


I’m an estate lawyer. I had a client who was a son who did not really talk to his father. Still, he wanted to make sure the father’s estate was wrapped up properly. They did not know if a will existed but knew that his dad had a safety deposit box.

So, we get a court order to open the box, and sure enough, a will was there. However, the will left a lion’s share of his estate…to a woman no one knew. In with the will were also pictures of a naked woman and a stage name; something like “cinnamon” or “candy,” written on the back. 

Soon, the bizarre truth became obvious. The father had left part of his estate to a dancer whom he enjoyed visiting in his older age. She had no idea and they had to track her down, which was a nightmare. They finally found her and she came to the office for a check accompanied by a “male friend.”


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