Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

That Explained a Lot of Things


I found my adoption papers in the family strong box when I was 19, despite having been told my whole life that my parents were my biological parents. Turns out, my parents planted it for me to find. Specifically, I found the certificate stating that my dad was my adoptive guardian.

My mom was my real mom, which is why I had pictures of her with me at the hospital when I was born, which is also why I never suspected a thing. They had me via sperm donor. I always wondered why I didn’t look at ALL like my Dad, but I look like a carbon copy of my mom.

Apparently, this was a huge relief to her as I grew up because the ENTIRE FAMILY knew except me, and the fear of having a huge, loud, Irish family letting something like that slip was pretty serious. I’m honestly shocked they managed.

They were never going to tell me but they decided that for an accurate medical history, I should know that I don’t have my dad’s predisposition to heart disease.

My dad cried when he told me because he was so worried that I suddenly wouldn’t love him anymore…as if my entire childhood was a lie or something. I laughed and told him of course he was my dad and always would be. It brought us closer.

But it also explained a lot of things in my childhood, like why I didn’t look anything like him, why I didn’t need glasses but my parents were both blind as anything, etc.


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