Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Very Well Compensated


I worked for a bank at their call center as a workforce administrator. We had a supervisor with a higher than normal personnel rotation. People would be doing okay, then suddenly their numbers would drop, and they’d quit.

In one of those, the guy quitting made a big freaking scene, called him out, insulted him, pushed him around and ended up being restrained by other coworkers. At the HR meeting, supervisor is going off on this guy, bringing up every single thing the guy did wrong.

He was boasting a bit too about how he had to fix all of this dude’s mistakes. The entire time the guy sat silent, said nothing, just stared at whomever asked him something. When the HR rep asked if he had anything to add, he pulled out a tape recording. It contents were stunning.

He just…played recording after recording. Of what you ask? Of the supervisor literally threatening the guy. Harassing him, belittling him, and overall being a complete jerk.

Apparently, this guy would target over-performing agents and make their working environment terrible, all just so he could protect his position. I’m told the supervisor simply stared at his feet and nodded when they told him he was fired. The agent, as I understand it, was also let go, but very well compensated.


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