Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Put Two and Two Together


A guy I knew in high school English class was talking one winter day about how he was late to school because someone hit his mailbox. His folks made him fix it up before he went to school, he missed his ride, and had to walk instead, but the school staff was cool about it and didn’t punish him. 

He didn’t have to wait long to get clarity. A few minutes later, another girl comes into class and she’s talking about how her morning sucked, she lost control going down a hill and hit someone’s mailbox.

She freaked out and drove off before anyone witnessed it and described a few details of the house. Mailbox guy puts two and two together and blurts out, “You hit MY mailbox!”

He wasn’t super mad about it and she turned beet red; it was hilarious at the time the way they both reacted.


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