Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

All I Can Do is Hope


Two days ago, I was at work when a senior coworker was cussing someone out. He usually did that sort of thing, so I wasn’t taken by surprise by his behavior. Also, I was in no mood to deal with him that day, so I just focused on my work and tried to ignore him and get on with it. 

But then he revealed something about himself he could never take back. In a loud voice, he said, “The world will be peaceful if women stay home. They should not be allowed to come out of the kitchen.” He then turned to me and said some nasty things about the supervisors.

Being an intern, I was scared that I would lose my position if I complained about his behavior, so I just let it go. But everything he said really hurt, even though he didn’t direct his words at me.

As a woman, I’ve worked my butt off to get to where I am now. I’ve had to overcome so many obstacles just to be able to work at this company.

His misogynistic comments stirred up so much anger in me, and what’s worse is I felt like I couldn’t do anything about it. If the bosses knew the truth about this guy, he’d probably get fired. At least I hope.


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