Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

He Couldn’t Have Gone Anywhere


I work at a prison, and a lady flew all the way from Nigeria to visit her brother, who was supposed to be incarcerated at my unit. She speaks a little English, but we tried to explain to her that the inmate was not in the system anymore. He must have been released.

We call a supervisor, and it turns out he was released over five months before. She walks away confused and comes back in with her husband, who speaks English much better. We tell him the scenario and he asks, “Well, where did he go? He doesn’t have any friends or family in the US.”

We told him we don’t know where he went, he was released and could be anywhere. The guy, obviously confused, says, “Well… he couldn’t have gone anywhere… because he doesn’t have any legs.”

So a legless Nigerian ex-felon with no ties is scooting around the US and no one knows where he is.


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