Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

He’s Never Worked a Day in His Life


Great Uncle H wasn’t a particularly interesting or handsome man, yet he thought very highly of himself, as did his family. He never got into a serious relationship until he met his wife who was very wealthy. She had inherited some old German money and farmland from a previous marriage.

Not being able to handle her loneliness, she married Great Uncle H. That’s when things started going downhill for her. When they married, my uncle began to execute his plan. He slowly began to steal a great sum of money from her accounts, which he was given access to following the marriage.

He robbed the woman blind, left her in serious debt, and then fled the country to Canada, where he met a new woman and created a new life for himself there until the day his first wife passed on.

Uncle H then returned to the US and was welcomed by my grandparents and their children as if nothing ever happened. He now lives with them full-time and I don’t know that he’s ever worked a day in his life.


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