Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Internet Famous


Someone I know anonymously spammed another person online with horrible threats, then later abandoned the platform.

She is now fairly successful on another social media app, but if her thousands of fans were ever to find out how much of a cyberbully she used to be, it would definitely destroy her internet fame. I’d love to see someone “out” her, but it can’t be me for one very important reason.

I won’t be able to deal with the drama. It would be like opening Pandora’s box. If she was petty enough to do horrible things to someone before becoming internet famous, I don’t know what she’d do to me now that she has so much to lose.

She’s very unstable mentally, so if I exposed her, the consequences could be dire. Also, her fan base sucks up to her big time, so I’m not even sure if people would believe me.


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