Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

Not Just Some Random Girl


One of my high school friends from Texas has a very strange brother who likes to pretend he’s a girl on online games to get free stuff from people, or something like that. After I graduated, I moved to Boston for college, and last winter I went back to visit my friend.

I was hanging out in her house when I saw her brother’s laptop in the game room open with pictures of this girl on the desktop. When I saw them, I was stunned.

He said they were random pictures he found of some girl who posted on Reddit, but her account was inactive for years now so he was using those pictures to “prove” to someone he was a girl in the game he was playing.

It blew my mind because that girl went to my school all the way in Boston, and was in my Econ class.


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