Stunning Real Life Surprises That Left the People They Happened to In Awe

An “Illegitimate” Child


My great-grandmother hated me. I was an “illegitimate” child, and my parents split when I was three. When my dad got his girlfriend pregnant, my great-grandmother said that she would cut him out of her life if “He didn’t marry this one.”

My father married my stepmother, who was a single mother, and my great-grandmother was fantastic to my step-brother and my sister, but not me. She flat-out refused to have anything to do with me. I spent Christmas with the family, but I came home crying to my mum, asking why Grandma wouldn’t talk to me.

For the entire four days I was there, she ignored me, while cuddling my brother and sister as much as she could, because they lived in another country by then. I didn’t find out any of this until after she passed.

I wasn’t included in her will—the only grandchild not included out of about 7 grandchildren, and many more great-grandchildren. My dad took some of his inheritance and passed it on to me, along with a few heirlooms, keeping up the pretense that she didn’t hate me up into my 30s.

I was so hated by her that I’m only just starting to meet family members, who had no idea I existed. My dad, siblings, and nana were forbidden to speak about me to other family members, so the few who met me when I was a baby had forgotten I existed.

I’m 36 now… It’s a long time to be keeping me a secret from the rest of the family. My sister only told me all of this a few years ago, though she’d known my great-grandmother hated me from when we were kids because she would speak very hatefully about me behind my back.

My nana’s partner confirmed it a couple months ago, with my mum finally telling me about it the last Christmas I ever saw her.


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