Neighbors Who Got Sweet Revenge Against Their Next Door Nightmares

Can We Use the Pool?


They insisted that we pay to have a gate installed between our backyard fences so that they may use our above-ground pool as they please, preferably when they invite friends over.

When we denied, they threw a hissy fit and found an excuse to “punish” us. You see, the pool was going through some (expensive) issues with leakage into the yard.

They threatened to call the fine-happy HOA because the water was (barely) leaking into their yard they rarely used and their dog was getting sick drinking the water. (It wasn’t)

Not wanting to deal with that crap and also wanting to clean our own backyard of the pond that began housing frogs, my father spent his birthday day off from work in the Texas heat digging a trench and installing a pipe so that the water could drain.

The neighbors came outside and harassed dad the entire time he was digging the trench, telling him it would’ve just been easier to install the gate.

Would’ve been easier to install a shovel into your frontal lobe, freeloaders.


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