Don’t Wake the Baby

Okay so, I live in Brooklyn, NY. I recently got my own apartment in Greenpoint.
I have a pretty great job in midtown Manhattan that offer a lot of overtime, so I have crazy hours and I commute to work. So, when I leave work late usually around 11:45PM every night, I catch the late trains and it takes me anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to get home.
Anyways, when I get home around 12:30AM, I’m exhausted and I just kick my shoes off and just throw them and my duffle bag wherever they land (usually on the floor right by my apartment entrance.)
So when I first moved into my apartment, I always heard banging from the neighbor downstairs. I never thought anything of it, I was always like “Is this person serious? They’re working on their apartment at 1:00 in the morning?!”
It wasn’t til maybe 3 weeks ago that I realized that he/she was getting upset about the banging that I was doing over their heads. I guess our apartments are set up differently and their bedroom is directly under my living room?
I’ve become more conscious of the noise I make when getting home and started gracefully taking my shoes off and placing my belongings on the couch.
Regardless, the person who lives down there has never actually came up to my apartment to address the issue,
But I find it hilarious because I just picture them laying in bed cuddled up with a broom stick or something similar and just waiting for the slightest pin drop to jump on top of their bed and start stabbing their ceiling.