Neighbors Who Got Sweet Revenge Against Their Next Door Nightmares

Needed To Wash My Eyes After Seeing That


When I was 15, we had a neighbor that was just weird. Looking back, she most likely had some real mental issues, or maybe an addiction, or even both. She was noisy, belligerent, and she had really bad body odor – the kind you can smell a few feet away.

One time she went mental knocking at our front door, asking us to turn down the music (we were watching TV with our new sound system). I mean, she could have just asked nicely but she had to be a total witch about it.

Aside from her overall nastiness, she had this annoying habit of crossing part of our yard as a shortcut to her house. We put up a higher fence so she couldn’t cut through our yard anymore.

And that was the start of the nightmare: she went out with a kiddie snow shovel, got dog poop round the block, and threw it in our yard. 

That was it! We wanted to catch her red handed so we could deal with her legally. We set up a camera to catch her in the act next time. We set it right on the path she always takes through our yard. But what we saw in the video gave us goosebumps, NOT what we expected. 

She actually squatted, and took a dump! Then she stamped her feet  on her dump to hide it I guess? It was gross and weird. Even the cops we called said they’ve never seen anything like this.

But thankfully, we were able to report her because of that video. I think she got a restraining order. Even to this day, that video kind of haunts me and makes me cringe when I remember it.


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