They Stole Our Power

When I was a teenager and lived with my parents, we had this one neighbor family that seemed sort of off.
One day, the father knocks on our door and tells my parents they haven’t had power for a long time and begged us to run an extension cord to one of our outside outlets for the day so his young kids could have cold milk with their cereal in the morning. My parents agreed to do this for one day.
The neighbor kept up his part and disconnected the cable after that day. A week later, they hooked it back up again without us noticing. A month goes by and our electricity bill is basically double what it normally is.
My parents head to the backyard and find the cable plugged in. So they yank it out and confront the neighbor.
At first, the neighbor will only open the door a crack. My stepdad realized the reason: he was concealing a weapon. That’s when we began to suspect that there was something really wrong with these people.
Stepdad demands an explanation as to why the cable was run to our outlet and the dude just sort of mumbles incoherently and shuts the door, locking it. The bad neighbor family was in a duplex and their neighbor comes around and asks what’s up.
My parents explain the whole story and how the next step was calling the police. The good neighbor is a former police chief and is friends with the entire force, so he offers to make the call.
Several cop cars arrive. The bad neighbor father and mother are arrested. Turns out they were up to some illegal shinanigans. The kids were put into foster care.