
Teacher Puts Note In Kids Lunchbox Before Being Fired

Teacher Puts Note In Kids Lunchbox Before Being Fired December 10, 2021Leave a comment

She dug her son's lunchbox out of his bag to wash it. Inside she found the note she had put in there for him lovingly that morning. But then she saw something else that she didn't expect.

There was a second note inside her lunchbox that she read. But as soon as she saw what was on the note she felt her anger simmer up inside of her.

Doing Her Best

Facebook/Francesca Easdon

Francesca Easdon was born and raised in Texas and tried her best raising her 5-year-old boy Kyler. But he recently developed an annoying habit.

He started hating eating his greens. But it didn't stop there. As time went on he started eating less and less. Once he started eating less healthy things and started gaining weight she knew she had to stop things before they got out of hand.

A Battle Of Wills

Facebook / Francesca Easdon

She had tried everything to get him to stop eating unhealthy. He was only a toddler and he was already developing bad habits.

She hated fighting with him about what she packed him for lunch. She tried her best to try and get him to eat greens along with a few treats but it was hard.

Reaching A Compromise

YouTube / Real Stories

She finally found a compromise with her 5-year-old. She would keep putting the junk food in his lunchbox but she would also put in healthy options and over time the ratio would change.

She told Rocking Horse Kingwood - his daycare - about his unique eating situation. The staff seemed to be understanding, at first.

Notes Of Encouragement


So the unhealthy food in his lunchbox slowly evolved to be healthier. She would even write small notes to encourage her son.

Soon the delicious Twinkies turned into carrots and his chips turned to salads. He was making amazing progress. But then someone decided to undo it.

An Innocent Treat

Pexels/Anthony Shkraba

She wanted her son's lunch to be creative and colorful to compensate for her taking out the unhealthy things.

She put colorful cherry tomatoes, an apple, and a wholegrain egg salad sandwich. She even decided to add a little something to help spice up his day.

A Loving Note

Facebook/Francesca Easdon

"Please tell Kyler that his mommy loves him so much and I'm thinking about him," that was the message she wrote on the note. She wanted the teacher to read it to him at lunchtime.

She didn't think it was a strange request. But she had no idea how things would backfire all because of a terrible person.

A Quiet Little Boy

YouTube / Real Stories

Francesa noticed that Kyler was quite weird one night. She didn't pay too much attention to it at first. But she had no idea what was at play behind the scenes.

Then that night she opened his lunchbox and saw the second letter there hastily scrawled in sharpie. How could she have done this?

Pure Spite

YouTube / [deleted]

Francesca read and reread the note rudely scribbled underneath hers until it finally sank in. Her emotions took her on a rollercoaster ride of incredulity, sadness, and humiliation.

She gritted her teeth as the anger washed over her. She grew dangerously calm as she plotted the way forward. This teacher needed to be taught a lesson. Who was she to make a little boy feel like this?

Outing The Teacher

Reddit / cvrlxs

Francesca took a photo of the horrendously offensive note and posted it on Facebook. From there, it quickly gained traction.

Parents in her community, and even worldwide, began to express their disgust -- and they aimed all their anger at Rocking Horse Kingwood Elementary School. Could the daycare recover from such backlash? Francesca knew it wasn’t enough. So, she began to do some digging of her own.

Unbelievably Cruel

YouTube / WLOS_13

The note that the teacher had written underneath hers simply read: "No! Put him on a diet and go away!."

Not only was this a flat-out refusal to relay the contents of the message she had so lovingly written to her son, but it was also getting personal about his weight! Now, Francesca was usually a mild-mannered woman who minded her own business, but this woman had awoken a mama bear.

Looking For Ammunition

Facebook/Francesca Easdon

Francesca logged onto Facebook and quickly found the spiteful woman’s profile. She rubbed her hands in glee when she found it wide open.

She hoped to find some dirt on the venomous daycare teacher, but instead she had found a goldmine. She went through post after incriminating post on the teacher’s feed. Now, she had the ammunition to take her down.

Going Viral

YouTube / WLOS_13

Meanwhile, her Facebook post had garnered almost 1000 shares and over 2000 reactions and comments. People couldn’t believe that a teacher could have been so immature and spiteful.

Most users were quick to point out that the note was nothing less than blatant body shaming of a 5-year-old! But what evidence had Francesca found during her own investigation?

Hitting Pay Dirt

YouTube / CNN

On the teacher’s personal Facebook account, Francesca found posts that included drug use and other inappropriate content!

Armed with her anger and unique insight into the teacher’s true character, she arranged a meeting with the director of the daycare. She wouldn’t rest until the woman was made accountable for her actions. But would she win?

An Update

YouTube / CNN

After the meeting, Francesca posted an update to her Facebook post that informed her followers of the outcome.

“I was assured that it was being investigated and handled, yet almost no remorse was shown. I also brought to their attention the fact that on his teacher’s public Facebook page there were mass posts regarding drug use and other very inappropriate content,” she wrote.

No Remorse

Facebook/Francesca Easdon

“The teacher that wrote this note confessed while I was at work and was fired, but nothing has been done about the other situations,” Francesca continued.

“Zero remorse for their actions. I am disgusted that I put my trust in these people to care for my child and this is what I get in return. I have removed Kyler from this daycare and am enrolling him in a beautiful new facility.”

Some Backstory

Facebook/Francesca Easdon

For the other users who didn’t know what Francesca had been going through, she shared a little backstory.

“We have been working with Kyler on his eating, he’s extremely picky! I have been introducing new healthy options in his lunchbox and discussed the changes with his school. And for the record, I feel that Kyler is absolutely perfect the way he is, I’m just helping him make healthier choices. Instead of his school being supportive I am in absolute shock at what happened.”


Facebook/Francesca Easdon

“I sent this note in Kyler’s lunchbox, thinking that it would make him smile at lunchtime, but instead, I received this in return from one of the teachers! Of course, I was absolutely livid and immediately reached out to the school,” Francesca continued.

Her fans and followers were elated to hear that the rude teacher had been fired, but they also had other concerns…

Public Outcry

Facebook/Francesca Easdon

One user wrote: “I cannot believe a teacher would write something like this. It is appalling! Your son does not even the slightest bit need to be "put on a diet." And even if he did, writing a not like that is immature, inappropriate and just ignorant.”

And another: “I can not believe someone actually wrote this!! I am so sorry that you have gone through this. And I will certainly tell everyone I know about this experience.” Francesca ends her post with a warning.

The Fight Continues

YouTube / WLOS_13

“I’m worried about the higher cost but I will make it work, no matter what I have to do. Kyler’s safety and level of care comes first. Sorry for the long post but I feel it’s so important to share this.”

She continued: “I’m extremely hands-on with my child’s care and still didn’t see this coming. Monitor your daycares closely and stay away from this facility, they do NOT deserve the privilege of teaching our children.”