Point Taken

In this case, I’m not the teacher, but the student. I was absent a lot, but always handed my teacher an excuse note the next day. One day, he came to me with all of them and told me that none of the signatures matched and that they therefore had to have been forged somehow. I told him that it was because sometimes my mom was really “tired” when I would get her to sign it.
In reality, sometimes she was too intoxicated to hold a pen and could barely scratch her name out for me. Anyway, by the end of the school year, it was very obvious to all my teachers that my mother had a substance problem. But this one teacher didn’t believe me and insisted that I had been forging her signature.
When he took his “proof” to the office, they informed him that my mother had called in every one of my absences. He apologized to me the next day and seemed to feel pretty bad about it.