Highs and Lows

I’m a student, not a teacher, but I went to class once when I was, let’s just say, “not sober.” I was having a bad day as I had gotten in a fight with my boyfriend at the time. A friend offered me something, and I said yes just because I couldn’t be bothered anymore. It was a huge mistake. Turns out that was the day that we started learning about differential equations for cylindrical objects.
I was so confused and flustered that I almost started crying. My teacher pulled me aside after class and asked me if I was okay and what class I had next. I told him it was Art. He just nodded and said, “Listen to some music and try to calm down. If you need help with anything later just let me know. I hope your day gets better.”
I didn’t realize until years later that he 100% knew I wasn’t sober, and genuinely wanted to make sure I didn’t have a bad time.