Teen’s Glamorous Mugshot Is So Striking It Launches Her Career as a Makeup Guru

Nobody ever wants to be under arrest. You hardly expect the cops to take a glamorous mugshot that you can use as a profile picture! But for one teen, an encounter with the law came with an unexpected burst of popularity on the internet. She didn’t expect that her arrest photo would end up going viral, nor did she expect the huge wave of positivity and love that people would send her way for her awesome makeup skills. This is a bittersweet story to say the least. The poor student has not had an easy time of things. As if often the case, there’s more to this mugshot than initially meets the eye.

Meet Marshala Perkins

IMAGE BY: Instagram/marshalaaaa_

Marshala Perkins didn’t ever intend to become a viral sensation. Sometimes, these things just get thrown into her lap. But while her story seems cute enough on the outside, it’s hiding some truly bittersweet challenges.

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