The Absolute Worst Gifts People Got for the Holidays

No Way to Treat a Child


Child of divorce here. My step-father, when I was really young, got it into his head that he was supposed to replace my father. So when, at 5 years old, I refused to call him dad (because I still had a relationship with my father) he got mad and gave up on me.

His entire family treated me like crap. My younger brother, who was his kid, was thankfully spared, but I dreaded the holidays because of it. I distinctly remember watching my brother open piles of awesome presents only to receive for myself one of those cheap make-up kits from CVS/Dollar Store and a used, opened Jamaican Barbie.

Her face was even scuffed. There is no better way to tell a little girl that you hate her than to give her a used Barbie. What kind of adult mistreats a child for something out of their control, I will never understand. My children will never be allowed to interact with him or his family. Story credit: Reddit/defiantapple

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