The Absolute Worst Gifts People Got for the Holidays

Grandma’s Prank


Not so much a worst gift as a worst wrapping/opening. My family and I were having Christmas dinner and we had invited my boyfriend over. He was my first boyfriend, I was 16, so I was really anxious to come off as cool. At dinner my mom announced that we still had some presents to open (she had forgot about a box that my Grandma had sent).

So I get mine and it’s a tube, like a small version of a poster tube. I open it and it’s full of cloth, so I pull out the first thing… and 8 pairs of sexy underwear come flying out.

My lovely Grandmother had thought it would be hilarious to tie the underwear together so when I pulled one out they all came out. I don’t know who was more embarrassed, me or my boyfriend. Story credit: Reddit/CallMeSexy

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